Monday, January 15, 2007

Cold and Wet

This morning we woke up to a cold, wet and rainy day. It's rained all weekend basically. My rain gage showed about 4 inches on Sunday morning, and we've gotten about 2 1/2 more since then. I was just out at Lake Murval, and it is over several piers and the creeks are way out of the banks. Thank God for the rain though. Lake Cherokee was really bad, but it is catching up fast. They are calling for freezing rain this afternoon and tonight, but I don't expect it to get as bad as it is north of here.
I had the opportunity to preach last night, and it was a blessing to be able to try again. The last time I preached was in October, and when you get out of practice of doing it, it becomes a least for me. Have a great week folks.

1 comment:

Bro. Matt said...

Hope you don't get washed away down there!