Monday, September 25, 2006

Preachers and Firefighters

As I read the new poll, which Kevin Higgins put out, I thought of something that is unique to me. October is pastor's appreciation month and it is also Firefighter appreciation month too. Now this may not mean a whole lot to some people, but it does to me. Let's look at things that pastor's or preacher and firefighters have in common.

1. Preachers and Firefighters try to keep people from burning up.
a. Pastors preach the gospel so many can be saved from a burning hell.
b. Firefighters try to save people's lives from firey deaths.
2. Pastors and Firefighters study to improve.
a. Pastors study God's Word to improve their teaching and preaching skills.
b. A firefighter must stay on top of his game by training and learning
new things to fight fires, and do first responder things.
3. Pastor's and Firefighters teach things that can save us.
a. Pastor's teach us how to be saved from our sins; how to live our lives in
the best way and things that apply to life in general.
b. Firefighters teach things that can save our lives; how to live safely in this
world and things that apply to fire safety.
4. I heard a preacher tell a man who was a fire extinguisher man, you know that fire extinguisher and Christ have two things in common. The extinguisher canister is red, and Jesus' blood is red. They both keep you from burning; The product in the red canister is for putting out fires. The blood of Jesus Christ keeps a man, who with a repentant heart asked Jesus Christ to save him, from burning in hell for eternity.

I thank God for both Jesus and Firefighters. I thank HIM for Jesus because when HE shed HIS blood for me, HE provided a way to eternal security with HIM. I thank God for firefighters because they provide a way for safety in this world by preventing fires.

If you find or think of other things that firefighters and preachers have in common, share them with me.


Bro. Matt said...

Hey, that's a pretty cool list you have there!

Anonymous said...

True story:
When he began pastoring in a small East Texas town, the pastor was continually asked to join the volunteer fire department. Now this is also a big social club with long weekly meetings and frequent parties -with liquor- among the members. Besides church services and activities, and being available to members, the pastor had a full-time job and a family which also competed for his time. After kindly declining for months, he wondered if these same people would ever quit asking him to join. Finally, he came up with an answer that they understood: "My job is to fight the OTHER kind of fire."