Monday, September 04, 2006

What a weekend

This past weekend started of rough, but ended up relaxed. Well, to some extent, that Friday night I officiated a high school football game in which Alba Golden, who had lost 47 games in a row, last win being in October of 2001, beat Cumby by the score of 7 - 6. It was exciting to watch a game in which both teams were so closely matched. Becky, who pretty much always goes to the game with me, and I went to Lindale afterwards and stayed at a Days Inn. We woke up Saturday to go spend the day in Canton, at First Monday. She bought another
We didn't go there for that though, we went to just spend time together. Sunday was church day, and that's where we went. I'm praying hard that the Lord will reveal to me what or where he wants me to go or do.
Today, Monday 9/4/06 was a busy day. After putting chicken wire around the bottom of the storage room, I went with Becky to her office to put her plants back in place. Praise the Lord she gets to do what she wants to do now...go to work, tomorrow. After we got back, I grilled some ribs, burgers and sausages, and turned on the tube to find out that the Crocodile Hunter, Steve Erwing was killed by a sting ray. He leaves his wife and two small children behind. Sad, Sad, sad. Anyway, pray for his family. Tomorrow is another day with Terminix, so I pray all will go well this week. The weekend, even though it was a three day weekend, was too short.

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