Monday, June 30, 2008

Obedience-A Word with Lost Meaning

Isaiah 1:16 - 20

Words are not hard to come by today. Occasionally you will see new words that the Webster’s Dictionary has come up with. For example; how about the word, ‘aerobicized’ or ‘aerobicised,’ which is an adjective meaning; (of a person's body) toned by aerobic exercise: aerobicized Hollywood women. Here’s one for you; ‘twonk.’ This word means a stupid or foolish person. We all know a twonk or two; don’t we? I am amazed at how many new words people come up with. I remember when children in the south were told we shouldn’t say the word, ‘ain’t,’ and now it is in the dictionary. In fact my computer underlined the word in red, which it sees as a misspelled word. It is amazing at the new words, but what about the words people quit using. I’m sure there are many we don’t use, but there is one particular word that we see used less in our actions than any one word. The word is ‘obedience.’ This word means the act or instance of obeying; the quality or state of being obedient. Obedient means submissive to the restraint or command of authority. Of course the word ‘obey’ means to follow the commands or guidance of; to conform to or comply with. Most of us would say we know what these words mean; but do we use them?
In God’s Word, the Bible, we find the word ‘obey,’ appears 69 times in 66 verses. It appears 44 times in the Old Testament and 25 times in the New Testament. The word ‘obedience’ appears 16 times in 16 verses. They are split evenly in the Old and New Testaments. The word disobedient appears in God’s Word 13 times; 2 in the Old Testament and 11 in the New. I’m sure that there are other words or phrases that appear in the Bible, which imply obedience also.
I was reading in the first chapter of Isaiah, when the scripture in verse 19 caught my eye. As most preachers do, I love verse18, where the Lord says, “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.” This verse reminds me of what God can do to a willing person, who wants to obey what God requires of them in repenting of our sin and asking Jesus to come into our heart. There is NOTHING so bad, that Jesus can’t forgive us of. It is a copout for someone to say, “I’ve been too bad to be forgiven.” There are ‘none righteous, no not one.’ There is no man, woman, boy or girl that is worthy of the salvation that the Lord gives freely. But HE gave it to us to make us a way to get back to HIM. Thank God for HIS marvelous grace.
In verse 19, we find a condition for this act of mercy. “If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:” Is a person willing, and can that person obey this way? What a question. There is less obedience in this world than ever before. In fact, Paul told Timothy it would be the signs of the end time. Obedience starts with parents. If parents cannot be obedient to God and HIS Word, then how do we expect our kids to be obedient to us? Obedience is a forgotten action. We make excuses for not wanting to follow God’s Word. We make excuses for not wanting to serve God. We make excuses for not wanting to follow the laws of the land. We always have an excuse, don’t we? One thing my wife is always on me about is the stop signs. If I pull up to one and don’t see anything coming, I have a bad habit of just rolling right through it, slowly. I yield, instead of coming to a complete stop. So what’s the matter with that, huh? I am breaking the law! Now I know I’m not the only one who does this. Many who read this have done the same thing. It’s not just about that though.
To be obedient to God, we must be obedient to HIS WORD. We need to be separate from this world. We need to stand out, so people can see a difference in our lives. The world needs to see Christ in us and through us. HIS WORD is the book of instructions that show us what we need to do, how to act, and how to exemplify Christ. Judah had a problem. They were fighting against what God said to do. He told them that they had to be willing to be obedient. We need to be willingly obedient too.
Obedient kids are rarely seen today. They all think mom and dad dropped on their heads and don’t have a clue what we are talking about. Just as all adults did to some extent when we were kids. My mother had an answer for disobedience. However, today’s parents think it is insane to pull the belt off or stand against rebellious children. According to most adults, we don’t need to use the rod of correction, but give them ‘time outs,’ or ground them. This isn’t even a temporary cure anymore. Why? Because it isn’t in line with God’s Word. Proverbs tells us over and over to discipline the child with the rod of correction, and it won’t kill them, but it will make them grow up in obedience. In 2 Timothy 3:1 – 5, Paul tells Timothy, “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good. Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” If you really look at these verses, you find out that all of this come from not being obedient to God. We have to be shown, don’t we? All of these, and more, that Paul talked about in 2 Timothy, come from us thinking we know better than God. We know how to do it better! If you don’t believe that just ask someone. God’s way is the ONLY way, and obedience in the key. We like to refuse and rebel against doing it HIS way, don’t we?
He has an answer for that in Isaiah 1:20. “But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.” We refuse to hear God’s warnings and choose to do it our way. Elvis Presley sang the son, “I did it my way,” and we see his end. He overdosed on medication and died. His way wasn’t God’s way. Many people loose their lives, because they do it there way, and not God’s way. Many people choose to reject God and live the high life of this world, by doing it their way. What will they say in the end? “God, I love you, but, life only comes around once!” That is a true statement by the way. Life does only come around once. There is life everlasting; where you can live forever. It’s called salvation. Jesus died that all may live. That word ‘all’ is a mighty small word; because not all will take advantage of the free gift of salvation. It means you would have to give up the ways of the world for HIM. Pride comes in the way; disobedience comes in the way; and then your rebellion comes in the way. The Lord told Judah what would happen if they refused and rebelled that they would be devoured by the sword. The sword is the Bible, which will be used in the judgment of all people. We need to realize that as Judah found out, we will eventually learn that disobedience will separate you from the Lord. Yes, if you are saved you will still be saved, but there is great rewards for obedience – the biggest being that you have made your relationship closer with Him, and won’t be a stumbling block to others. The sacrifices that Judah were making was pretend sacrifices, trying to justify the fact that they were living like they wanted to, and still trying to follow law. However, as said before, Judah found out that they could straddle the fence, because God still counts it as sin. Sacrificing the worldly life for Christ brings many blessings, but we find that when we live for the world and like the world, it only brings heartache in the end.
Mike Richardson said, “Sacrifice does not always require obedience however obedience always requires sacrifice. We sacrifice the flesh every time we obey God. My challenge is to continue to try to grow closer to God by obeying Him. Listening to what He says never leads us wrong.


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Unknown said...

"yes, if you are saved you will still be saved," is an absolute contradiction of your point. The great, and deadly, failure of the majority of Christian teaching today is that sin has no eternal consequences, that as long as you are saved sin is both excusable and acceptable. To hold this position is certainly convenient, but such a belief is utterly foreign to biblical truth. God's forgiveness in Christ is certainly unconditional, but it is also uncompromising. Newness of life is not merely a patched up old life, but an altogether different life, the life of Christ imparted to the soul of man. It is the power to forsake sin and self, and to live a life of holiness and purity of heart.