Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Change, Change, Change

Yesterday started off with a bang. I got up, all prepared to finish this week out as a technician. I had planned on trying sales, should this new job not pan out. I got to the office and the first thing that happens, things have changed since Friday. Terminix has put a freeze on any moves, including hiring. I had to ask, 'What's up with this?' My manager told me that I would continue my route, and not go into sales at this time. SHE ALREADY HAD MY REPLACEMENT IN LINE! LOL. I told Becky that if it's God's will for me to have this new job, I would tell my boss lady to get 'her man,' as she called him.
I'm thankful that God is opening doors. I pray that HIS will is done in my life, and that it is willfully on my part. Interesting to see what might go on today, huh? God is truly good. I just wished I knew what HE was doing in my life before hand. As Becky would say, "Please Lord, put in on a bulletin board." Ultimately, I would much rather be pastoring a church, but obviously it's not in God's plans right now. I am excited for Jason Sheffstall and his family, as well as his church family and how God is blessing them in West Virginia. Thank God for Godly men who seek HIS will. Have a nice day folks.

1 comment:

Sheff said...

Hey Ronnie, Thanks for the kind words. We are excited too. There are always Valleys in the Mountains. I pray that all of us will continue to serve the Lord whether we are in the Valley or on the Mountaintop. God Bless you, my friend.