Sunday, August 13, 2006

Life in a vapor

Life in a Vapor
Using today as there is not tomorrow.

I guess everyone is guilty of examining their life at one time or another, aren’t we? I have looked back, at times, and seen a lot of wasted time. There have been times in my life that would have been better spent doing other things. We all have these times though. We may not want to admit it, but we do have a lot of wasted time in our lives. These past few weeks have gone by extremely fast. I can remember times when my mother would tell me that the older I get the faster time will go. Actually time is a constant, but I have come to a conclusion that we loose time, because we waste time.

Men have a saying today that should really be geared toward God. The saying goes something like this; “Life is short, so live it like there is not tomorrow.” I am reminded of what James said in James 4:14 KJV. Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. We are all guilty of wishing our life away at some point. I’ll give you an example of how it happened to me. I couldn’t wait to turn 16, so I could get my driver’s license. Then I couldn’t wait to turn 18 so I could be classified as a man, not to mention I would be out of school. It took me a long time to come to the understanding that you are not an adult at the age of 18, even though the law looks at you as an adult. At the age 21, which I couldn’t wait to be, so I could be legal in all other areas of my life, even though I didn’t drink, I still wasn’t a man. Then there was the grand old age of 25; which I wanted to be so my car insurance would go down. IT DIDN”T! Get the point?

What if I had spent all that time serving God? I’m not just talking about going to church and doing the right things only. I mean, what if I had really served HIM? I feel like part of that is immaturity. I was not only immature in my age, but also in my Christian life. I have made the comment before, “The older I get, the more important the things of God become to me.” This is called maturity, but why has it taken me so long to see that? It has really amazed me at how we start growing up in our physical life and we ignore the spiritual life. The reason it has taken me as long as it has is simple; Christ, even though I’ve been saved for 24 years this October, has not always been important in my life. I was too concerned about what I wanted to do rather than what God wanted me to do. James said, “Don’t worry about tomorrow, because you don’t even know if you’ll be here. It’s like a vapor, here for a minute, and then it’s gone.” If there is one thing I would say we can learn from this thought, it would be, live your life fully for God and let the world do what it pleases. Allow your life to mean something for God and not just for you. If we learn to live for God then HE will make us a lot better. Let’s be concerned at what we do for God today, and tomorrow will take care of itself. Lord, please help us focus on things about you and help us to be concerned about that. Help us to always seek you first, so you can show us the true way. Amen.

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